General Information and OrientationOrganisation of the RotaThe ACCU in GeneralACCU Wireless/DECT Phone NumbersThe Day-to-Day Running of the ACCUDocumentationPatients’ NotesCritical Care Transfer SummariesOther Letters to GPsCoroner’s reports and inquestsBleepsTrainee Deployment / Responsibilities on ACCULiaising with the ConsultantsHelp from AnaesthesiaAdmissionsWhat to do when a patient dies on ACCUOrgan DonationMicrobiology Ward RoundImaging/InvestigationsCT/MRIUltrasoundDuty radiologistEchocardiogramsEEG and other ElectrophysiologyThromboelastography and CKNG Tube positionOn Call RoomsSecurityResearchThinking about moneyCommon Clinical Encounters on the ACCUPost-op Major Head and Neck SurgeryContinuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT)Fasting for TheatreBlood transfusionClinical Situations Outside the ACCUCode Red Trauma CallTrauma CallRoutine Tracheostomy ChangesAirway Management Outside the ACCUAssistance Outside the ACCUCritical Care Outreach Team (CCOT)CT scannerMRI ScannerInterventional RadiologyTransfers to other ICUs (Clinical and Non-clinical)Organ Support in Areas Outside the ACCUInfection ControlGeneral practiceAseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT)Visiting TeamsPolicies and TrainingMRSA PolicyBlood CulturesAntibioticsHIV Testing on ACCU