Information and paperwork relating to clinical audit activity on ACCU can be found in the following location:

I:\surgery_&_anaes\ACCU\Audit\ACCU clinical audit program

In that folder you will find:

  • A spreadsheet showing current and recently completed audits, along with reports if submitted
  • A second spreadsheet entitled ‘ACCU audit schedule and proposed projects’. This is a ‘wish-list’ including a schedule of our regular audit activity as well as some ad hoc projects
  • A folder of Audit Results. This will include copies of reports submitted to CEU and other documents
  • A folder of Audit meeting programs and presentations

Planning and registering audits

If you would like to undertake an audit, please discuss with Julia Hadley, Clinical Effectiveness Lead for ACCU. You can be matched up with a project and supervisor that meets your needs and interests.

You may also have an idea for an audit or QI project yourself or have discussed an idea with one of the consultants – please ensure you also inform Julia of any such projects to ensure there is no duplication / overlap.

You must register the audit via the Clinical Effectiveness Unit and it needs to be approved by the CE Lead

The Trust’s Clinical Effectiveness Unit site can be found at:


When planning to undertake an audit, please complete the on-line registration form at:


In section 9 ‘Project Agreement’, select Julia Hadley from the drop-down list (can be found under Surgery, All Critical Care).  The form will be sent to Julia for approval

After completing the audit

Please present your audit findings! (This sounds obvious but it doesn’t always happen!)

Disseminate the learning / action points as appropriate to the relevant groups / individuals.

Send any posters, presentations, summaries, recommendations etc to Julia, to be collated in the shared files.

Submit a report to the CEU, as described in steps 4 and 5 on http://ceu:8080/

This is important as the project will be listed as ‘incomplete’ unless you do this.

Access your registered projects here http://ceu:8080/MyProjects.aspx, ‘view’ the relevant project and select the ‘Report and Action Plan’ tab. The process is not wholly intuitive and easy! Please ask Julia for support if needed.