Further information to be found at: I:\surgery_&_anaes\ACCU\Echo
Please read in conjunction with the FICE Accreditation Pack
Accredited Mentor Group:
Lynne Barrass
Julia Hadley
PJ Zolfaghari
Malgorzata Starczewska
BSE Supervisor:
Mr James Malcolmson (Chief Cardiac Physiologist)
Structure of FICE / FEEL training at RLH ACCU
We can commit to a maximum of THREE mentees between the mentor group at any one time.
Priority given to advanced ICM trainees, then intermediate ICM trainees.
Ideally Echo course should be completed prior to commencing supervised scanning.
First 10 scans need to be supervised (5 should have been completed during Echo course).
Thereafter, mentees should undertake unsupervised echo practice between one-to-one sessions and record these for review by mentor- minimum of 10 scans between one-to-one sessions.
One-to-one sessions will incorporate review of recorded scans and further supervised scanning.
Please ensure that there is no patient identifiable data in your logbook.
It should be feasible to complete the whole training process during a 6 month attachment.
During a 3 month attachment, partial completion is more realistic.
Please contact Lynne and Julia at the beginning of your attachment to plan a training schedule.
A note on echo findings:
If you encounter unexpected pathology during echo practice, please inform the ACCU consultant responsible for the patient’s care and recommend a formal echo is requested.
If you identify any patients with interesting echo findings, please e-mail the mentor and mentee group with patient initials and bed-space (but not the echo findings!) so that they can take the opportunity to perform a practice echo themselves.